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Luxurious Hotel and Hotel Apartments in Tecom Barsha Heights
AED 850,000,000

برشا هايتس (تيكوم)

Luxurious Hotel and Hotel Apartments in Tecom Barsha Heights

  • 98,499 Sq. Ft.
This stunning 4-star hotel is located in the heart of Barsha Heights, Dubai.
AED 850,000,000

برشا هايتس (تيكوم)

This stunning 4-star hotel is located in the heart of Barsha Heights, Dubai.

  • 78,254 Sq. Ft.
Unveiling a Prime Location: Freehold Mix-Use Plot with Endless Possibilities.
AED 43,000,000

برشا هايتس (تيكوم)

Unveiling a Prime Location: Freehold Mix-Use Plot with Endless Possibilities.

  • 95,366 Sq. Ft.
 Captivating 4-Star Hotel in Al Barsha - Prime Investment Opportunity
AED 290,000,000

برشا هايتس (تيكوم)

Captivating 4-Star Hotel in Al Barsha - Prime Investment Opportunity

  • 44,200 Sq. Ft.
  • عرض الصفحة 1 من 1

RGEstate By Riveria Global Group is a UAE’s professionally managed, fast-growing and leading Real Estate Agency in Dubai, UAE, established in 2008.
