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    21,000 sqtf fitted showroom  for Rent in Nadd Al Hummer  | RGEstate UAE

    21,000 sqtf fitted showroom for Rent in Nadd Al Hummer
    AED 9,100,000/سنة


    21,000 sqtf fitted showroom  for Rent in Nadd Al Hummer  | RGEstate UAE
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    AED 9,100,000 / سنة

    AED 9,100,000 / سنة

    21,000 sqtf fitted showroom for Rent in Nadd Al Hummer
    21,000 sqtf fitted showroom for Rent in Nadd Al Hummer ند الحمر

    صفة المعلن : مفوض
    رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
    رقم السجل التجاري : 1

    للبيع(1519) , استئجار(650)


    AED 9,100,000/سنة
    رقم مرجع العقار MAK PP 4190
    Category تجاري
    نوع العقار معرض
    Offer Type للإيجار
    Size 21,000 Sq. Ft.


    Property ID: MAK PP 4190

    Type: Fitted Showroom
    Location: Nadd Al Hummer
    Deal Type: Rent
    Plot Size: 21,000 sqft

    Usage: Commercial or Storage

    Amenities: Office, Pantry, Washroom, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm, Civil Defense - 24/7, etc.
    Financial Information

    Annual Rent: AED 2,700,000 (Excluding All)
    VAT: 5% on Annual Rent
    Security Deposit: 10% of Annual Rent
    Agency Fees: 10% of Annual Rent

    Costs Breakdown
    Annual Rent: AED 2,700,000
    VAT: AED 135,000 (5% of AED 2,700,000)
    Security Deposit: AED 270,000 (10% of AED 2,700,000)
    Agency Fees: AED 270,000 (10% of AED 2,700,000)
    Total Costs

    Total Annual Cost (Including VAT, Security Deposit, and Agency Fees):
    Annual Rent: AED 2,700,000
    VAT: AED 135,000
    Security Deposit: AED 270,000
    Agency Fees: AED 270,000
    Total: AED 3,375,000

    This property offers a 21,000 sqft fitted showroom in Nadd Al Hummer. It is suitable for commercial or storage purposes and is well-equipped with amenities such as an office, pantry, washroom, firefighting system, fire alarm, and 24/7 civil defense.

    Contact Information
    For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact the real estate agency or the property owner. Ensure all transactions are handled through proper legal channels and verified agents.

    If you need additional assistance, such as drafting a rental agreement or understanding more about the leasing process, feel free to ask!

    مخطط التصميم عرض ثلاثي الأبعاد

    اتصل بالوسيط للحصول على مخطط التصميم للعقار المطلوب
    صفة المعلن : مفوض رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
    رقم السجل التجاري : 1

    للبيع(1519) , استئجار(650)

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    الموقع والاماكن

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    ند الحمر
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            AED 1,000,000 / سنة صالات العرض للإيجار
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