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    30 Rooms Labour Camp Available for Rent In Al Quoz Industrial Area  | RGEstate UAE

    30 Rooms Labour Camp Available for Rent In Al Quoz Industrial Area
    AED 864,000/سنة


    30 Rooms Labour Camp Available for Rent In Al Quoz Industrial Area  | RGEstate UAE
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    AED 864,000 / سنة

    AED 864,000 / سنة

    30 Rooms Labour Camp Available for Rent In Al Quoz Industrial Area
    30 Rooms Labour Camp Available for Rent In Al Quoz Industrial Area القوز

    صفة المعلن : مفوض
    رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
    رقم السجل التجاري : 1

    للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)


    AED 864,000/سنة
    رقم مرجع العقار MAK PP 4203
    Category تجاري
    نوع العقار مخيم عمال
    Offer Type للإيجار
    Size 0 Sq. Ft.


    Property ID: MAK PP 4203

    30 Rooms Labour Camp Available for Rent in Al Quoz Industrial Area

    Location: Al Quoz, Dubai
    Deal Type: Rent
    Monthly Rent: AED 2,400/- Per Room Per Month (Including All)
    Annual Rent: AED 864,000/- Every Year (Including All)
    Security Deposit: 5% of Annual Rent
    Agency Fees: 5% of Annual Rent
    Number of Rooms: 30 Rooms
    People Capacity: 6 Person Per Room / Total Capacity: 180 People

    Amenities: Sufficient Toilets and Bathrooms, Common Kitchen, Common Dining Area

    Usage: Labour Accommodation

    Area Highlights:
    Al Quoz is a prime industrial area in Dubai, renowned for its strategic location and excellent connectivity. It provides easy access to major highways and is close to commercial centers, making it ideal for businesses requiring labour accommodation.

    Call to Action:
    Explore more investment options in Dubai with RG Estate

    مخطط التصميم عرض ثلاثي الأبعاد

    اتصل بالوسيط للحصول على مخطط التصميم للعقار المطلوب
    صفة المعلن : مفوض رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
    رقم السجل التجاري : 1

    للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)

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