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    Prime Educational Facility Available for Lease   | RGEstate UAE Prime Educational Facility Available for Lease   | RGEstate UAE

    AED 9,500,000/سنة


    Prime Educational Facility Available for Lease   | RGEstate UAE
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    Prime Educational Facility Available for Lease   | RGEstate UAE
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    AED 9,500,000 / سنة

    AED 9,500,000 / سنة

    Prime Educational Facility Available for Lease Sharjah

    صفة المعلن : مفوض
    رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
    رقم السجل التجاري : 1

    للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)


    AED 9,500,000/سنة
    رقم مرجع العقار RAJ SAR 1484
    Category تجاري
    نوع العقار مبنى بالكامل
    Offer Type للإيجار
    Size 62,678 Sq. Ft.


    Sharjah's educational landscape awaits! This exceptional property offers a turnkey solution for a school seeking a vibrant and fully equipped space for its operations.

    Property Highlights:

    Versatile School Setting: Ideal for accommodating classes from Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
    Spacious Layout:
    Plot Size: 62,678.25 sq ft
    Gross Floor Area: 64,434.16 sq ft
    26 Classrooms, providing ample learning areas for your students.
    Move-in Ready: The property is fully furnished, allowing you to focus on creating an exceptional learning environment.
    Dedicated Staff Quarters: Staff room ensures a comfortable space for your teachers and administrators.
    Specialized Rooms: Enhance student learning with dedicated activity rooms, a visual room, a special education room, a computer room, and a language room.
    Ample Parking: Convenient on-site parking with 39 spaces.
    Competitive Lease Rate: Lease this exceptional property for AED 9.5 Million.
    Bonus Opportunity: The owner welcomes the possibility of enrolling a limited number of students, creating a strong foundation for your school's growth.
    About RGEstate

    RGEstate is your trusted partner in navigating the Sharjah real estate market. We specialize in connecting educational institutions with exceptional facilities that cater to their unique needs. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring a smooth leasing process.

    Contact RGEstate today to schedule a viewing and embark on your educational journey in this remarkable space!

    مخطط التصميم عرض ثلاثي الأبعاد

    اتصل بالوسيط للحصول على مخطط التصميم للعقار المطلوب
    صفة المعلن : مفوض رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
    رقم السجل التجاري : 1

    للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)

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