عقاراتي المفضلة
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE

23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah
AED 5,000,000


23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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AED 5,000,000

AED 5,000,000

23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah
23,000 Sqft Industrial Land with Shops Office & Boundary wall For Sale in Sajja Sharjah Sharjah

صفة المعلن : مفوض
رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
رقم السجل التجاري : 1

للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)


AED 5,000,000
رقم مرجع العقار MAK PP 179S
Category تجاري
نوع العقار أرض
Offer Type للبيع
Size 0 Sq. Ft.
منطقة المؤامرة 23,000 Sq. Ft.


Property ID: MAK PP 179S

Type: Industrial Land with Shops, Office & Boundary Wall (Independent)
Location: Sajja, Sharjah
Ownership Type:
Freehold Property for Local & GCC Nationality
Lease Free Property for 100 Years (Can be bought by any nationality)

Plot Size: 23,000 sqft
Built-Up Size: 1,000 sqft
Power: 50 kW

Usage: Industrial, Commercial, or Storage

Amenities: Pantry, Washroom, Fire Fighting System, Fire Alarm, Civil Defense - 24/7

Financial Information
Selling Price: AED 5,000,000 (Net To Owner)
VAT: If applicable paid by buyer
Transfer Fees: 4% of Selling Price
Agency Fees: 2% of Selling Price

Costs Breakdown
Selling Price: AED 5,000,000
VAT: If applicable paid by buyer
Transfer Fees: AED 200,000 (4% of AED 5,000,000)
Agency Fees: AED 100,000 (2% of AED 5,000,000)

Total Costs
Total Cost (Including VAT, Transfer Fees, and Agency Fees):
Selling Price: AED 5,000,000
VAT: If Applicable paid by buyer
Transfer Fees: AED 200,000
Agency Fees: AED 100,000
Total: AED 5,300,000

This property offers a 23,000 sqft industrial land with a built-up area of 1,000 sqft, including shops, office, and boundary wall in Sajja, Sharjah. It is a freehold property available for local and GCC nationals and can also be leased free for 100 years, making it purchasable by any nationality. The land has a power supply of 50 kW and is suitable for industrial, commercial, or storage use. It comes with various amenities such as a pantry, washroom, fire fighting system, fire alarm, and 24/7 civil defense.

Contact Information
For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact the real estate agency or the property owner. Ensure all transactions are handled through proper legal channels and verified agents.

If you need additional assistance, such as drafting a sales agreement or understanding more about the purchasing process, feel free to ask!

مخطط التصميم عرض ثلاثي الأبعاد

اتصل بالوسيط للحصول على مخطط التصميم للعقار المطلوب
صفة المعلن : مفوض رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
رقم السجل التجاري : 1

للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)

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