عقاراتي المفضلة
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27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE 27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE 27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE 27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE 27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE

27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15
AED 17,000,000


27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE
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27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE
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27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE
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27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE
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27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15  | RGEstate UAE
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AED 17,000,000

AED 17,000,000

27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15
27,000 Sqft Warehouse with loading bay For Sale in Sharjah 15 Sharjah

صفة المعلن : مفوض
رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
رقم السجل التجاري : 1

للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)


AED 17,000,000
رقم مرجع العقار MAK PP 181S
Category تجاري
نوع العقار مستودع
Offer Type للبيع
Size 27,000 Sq. Ft.
منطقة المؤامرة 37,900 Sq. Ft.


Property ID: MAK PP 181S

Property Type: Warehouse with Loading Bay (Independent)
Ownership Type: Freehold Property for Local & GCC Nationality
Location: Sharjah 15

Financial Information
Selling Price: AED 17,000,000 (Net to Owner)
VAT: If Applicable paid by buyer
Transfer Fees: 4% of Selling Price
Agency Fees: 2% of Selling Price

Costs Breakdown
Selling Price: AED 17,000,000
VAT: If Applicable paid by buyer
Transfer Fees: AED 600,000 (4% of Selling Price)
Agency Fees: AED 300,000 (2% of Selling Price)

Total Initial Costs
Total Initial Cost:
Selling Price: AED 17,000,000
VAT: If Applicable paid by buyer
Transfer Fees: AED 600,000
Agency Fees: AED 300,000
Total: AED 16,650,000

Property Highlights
Plot Size: 37,900 sqft
Built-Up Size: 27,000 sqft
Power: 200 kW
Height: 9 to 10 M
Number of Units: 3

Industrial, Commercial, or Storage

Sprinkler System
Fire Fighting System
Fire Alarm
Civil Defense - 24/7

Additional Information
For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact the real estate agency or the property owner. Ensure all transactions are handled through proper legal channels and verified agents.

If you need additional assistance or have further inquiries, feel free to ask!

مخطط التصميم عرض ثلاثي الأبعاد

اتصل بالوسيط للحصول على مخطط التصميم للعقار المطلوب
صفة المعلن : مفوض رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
رقم السجل التجاري : 1

للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)

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