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61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE 61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE

61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah
AED 384,800,000


61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah  | RGEstate UAE
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AED 384,800,000

AED 384,800,000

61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah
61,600 Sqft Industrial Land For Sale in Sajja Sharjah


AED 384,800,000
رقم مرجع العقار MAK PP 174S
Added On 03-Jul-2024
نوع العقار Land
Offer Type للبيع
Size 0 Sq. Ft.


Property ID: MAK PP 174SnnType: Industrial Land (Independent)nLocation: Sajja, SharjahnOwnership Type:nFreehold Property for Local & GCC NationalitynLease Free Property for 100 Years (Can be bought by any nationality)nnPlot Size: 61,600 sqftnPermission: G+MnnUsage: Industrial, Commercial, or StoragennFinancial InformationnSelling Price: AED 7,400,000 (Net To Owner)nVAT: If applicable paid by buyernTransfer Fees: 4% of Selling PricenAgency Fees: 2% of Selling PricenCosts BreakdownnSelling Price: AED 7,400,000nVAT: If Applicable paid by buyernTransfer Fees: AED 296,000 (4% of AED 7,400,000)nAgency Fees: AED 148,000 (2% of AED 7,400,000)nnTotal CostsnTotal Cost (Including Transfer Fees, and Agency Fees):nSelling Price: AED 7,400,000nVAT: If Applicable paid by buyernTransfer Fees: AED 296,000nAgency Fees: AED 148,000nTotal: AED 7,844,000nnSummarynThis property offers 61,600 sqft of industrial land in Sajja, Sharjah. It is a freehold property available for local and GCC nationals and can also be leased free for 100 years, making it purchasable by any nationality. The land has permissions for G+M construction and can be used for industrial, commercial, or storage purposes.nnContact InformationnFor more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact the real estate agency or the property owner. Ensure all transactions are handled through proper legal channels and verified agents.nnIf you need additional assistance, such as drafting a sales agreement or understanding more about the purchasing process, feel free to ask!

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