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Residential with Retail Building for Sale in Warsan  | RGEstate UAE

AED 42,000,000


Residential with Retail Building for Sale in Warsan  | RGEstate UAE
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AED 42,000,000

AED 42,000,000

Residential with Retail Building for Sale in Warsan
warsan Warsan

صفة المعلن : مفوض
رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
رقم السجل التجاري : 1

للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)


AED 42,000,000
رقم مرجع العقار SAN PP 623
Category سكني
نوع العقار Residential Building
Offer Type للبيع
Size 100,914 Sq. Ft.
منطقة المؤامرة 26,665 Sq. Ft.
Furnished Yes


Discover this exceptional investment opportunity in the thriving area of Warsan. This G+6 residential building, complete with retail spaces, offers a solid return on investment, making it an attractive option for investors looking to secure a stable income stream.

Property Details:

Property ID: SAN PP 623
Location: Warsan
Property Type: Residential with Retail Building (Rented)
Ownership: Freehold
Plot Size: 26,665 sqft
BUA: 100,914 sqft
Height: G+6
Total Units: 63
1 Bedroom: 42 units
2 Bedroom: 15 units
Retail: 6 units
Selling Price: AED 42 Million
Rental Income: AED 2.6 Million
ROI: 6.19%
Agency Fees: 2% on Selling Price
Transfer Charge: 4% on Sale Price

This well-maintained property offers a balanced mix of residential and retail units, ensuring a steady rental income. With a total of 63 residential units and 6 retail outlets, the building is perfectly positioned to meet the demands of the growing Warsan community. Whether you are an investor seeking reliable returns or looking to expand your property portfolio, this property is a prime opportunity.

مخطط التصميم عرض ثلاثي الأبعاد

اتصل بالوسيط للحصول على مخطط التصميم للعقار المطلوب
صفة المعلن : مفوض رقم ترخيص المعلن : 1
رقم السجل التجاري : 1

للبيع(1525) , استئجار(647)

شكرا لتقريركم.
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